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        CT AUDIO 周邊器材






        傳 真:020-34819857
          Q Q:879860106
        郵 箱:879860106@qq.com
        網 址:www.shjianhuang.com

        當前位置 : 產品展示 > 進口周邊器材 > 圖示均衡器 > 正文:
        RANE DEQ60L 雙30段均衡器-產品展示-廣州市創田音響設備有限公司
        ·RANE DEQ60L 雙30段均衡器

        General Description

        When the term "graphic equalizer" was first coined, the intent was to provide a device that allowed the user to "draw" the desired frequency response using slider controls on the unit's front panel. Thus, the Holy Grail of graphic equalizers is a device with a response that truly matches the slider settings. For years, this seemingly unobtainable goal resulted in products based on the fine art of compromise -- until now -- until the DEQ 60L.

        It's not Constant -- not Proportional -- It's Perfect! Digital Signal Processing (DSP) allows filter technology not possible with analog designs. Rane coined the term Perfect-QTM to describe the results (U.S. patent 7,266,205). The DEQ 60 is the world's first true graphic equalizer (i.e., one providing real mechanical front panel slide controls) whose output response precisely matches its front panel settings. Perfect-Q features virtually no band interaction and extremely low ripple between adjacent bands. Just to keep things interesting and flexible, fear not proportional-Q lovers, for each channel of the DEQ 60 is selectable between Perfect-Q or proportional-Q response.

        The DEQ 60L has two versions, only with these differences:

        • DEQ 60: 25 mm sliders; includes security cover
        • DEQ 60L: 45 mm sliders; switchable cut-only mode

        The DEQ 60L Graphic Equalizer provides the most complete set of pure EQ functions ever offered in an analog controlled equalizer.

        • Perfect-QTM : What You See Is What You Get
        • No EQ filter interaction
        • Proportional-Q: Classic smooth response
        • Independent Accelerated-SlopeTM 3-band full-cut tone controls
        • Low-cut and High-cut filters
        • Switchable Boost / Cut or Cut-Only Modes
        • Input and Output Level controls
        • Eight segment metering for each Input and Output
        • Two Boost / Cut ranges: ±6 dB or ±12 dB
        • Each channel may use A or B channel controls
          • Stereo Linking
          • Two "analog memories"
          • A-curve / B-curve comparison
        • 45 mm sliders with soft-touch faders
        • Analog controlled DSP
        • XLR, 1/4" TRS and Euroblock connectors
        • Bypass switch (DSP), Bypass relay (power failure)
        • Exceptional RF and magnetic immunity
        • Universal internal power supply (100-240 VAC)

        Copyright © 廣州市創田音響設備有限公司 All rights reserved.
        聯系人:梁小姐 聯系電話:020-34819869 傳 真:020-34819857 郵 箱:879860106@qq.com 粵ICP備09106258號
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